Dr Ulf Garbe

  • Associate Investigator
  • Australian Nuclear Science and Technology (ANSTO)

Dr Ulf Garbe is instrument scientist for the new DINGO neutron radiography/tomography/imaging station at the OPAL Reactor.  He received his PhD from the University of Goettingen as member of the texture group in collaboration with the Technical University of Clausthal and the HASYLAB synchrotron. He worked on texture development in streaming two-phase media. In addition they developed a new measurement technique, the moving detector method for high-resolution texture measurement.

After his PhD he moved from synchrotron radiation to neutron radiation at the new FRM II reactor in Munich. Ulf was responsible for the texture application on the STRESS-SPEC diffractometer. He developed the non-destructive  local texture measurement method with neutron radiation.


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