Dr Alexander Yuen
- Chief Investigator
- The University of Sydney
- alexander.yuen@sydney.edu.au
Dr Alexander Yuen is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Sydney.
Alex began his career as a Synthetic Organic Chemist and keen homogeneous catalysis ‘end-user’ and subsequently moved into the fields of Inorganic Nanomaterials and Catalysis. From 2012–2016 he was project leader for a Science & Industry Endowment Fund (SIEF) grant: ‘Advanced Catalytic Processes for Renewable Chemicals Manufacture’ in collaboration with the CSIRO, Clayton, and Industrial Partner, Licella Holdings Ltd. Over the last 15 years, Alex has made significant contributions in the areas of catalytic nanoparticle & materials synthesis & characterisation; ionic liquid applications; supercritical solvent based catalytic conversion of biomass for biorefinery applications; end-of-life plastic conversions; and ‘on-water’ catalysis.
In addition to being a CI within the ARC CoE–CSI, he is also CI within the Solving Plastic Waste CRC; and is currently involved in developing electrocatalytic & plasma-based processes for the synthesis of ammonia from air and water. As a Group Leader in the Laboratory of Advanced Catalysis for Sustainability at USYD, Alex works closely with Professors Thomas Maschmeyer and Antony Masters.
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