Seminar: Simply Black Magic
TIME: 10:00am
WHEN: 24 October, 2024
LOCATION: UNSW Sydney, Kensington NSW 2052. Colombo Theatre B (K-B16-LG04)
Our Centre invites you to attend Professor Markus Antonietti’s seminar ‘Simply Black Magic: Functional carbocatalyst to replace noble metals and expanding the options of chemistry as such,’ at 10am Thursday 24 October. The seminar will be at UNSW Sydney or online via Zoom.
Prof. Antonietti has been the Director of the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces in Germany for over 30 years. He will discuss some of his recent approaches in generating new carbons such as ‘oxicarbons’ or intercalant compounds, focusing on simplicity. Prof. Antonietti will highlight many of the resulting 2D and 3D structures for chemo, photo and electrocatalysis, as well as demonstrating some enzyme-like activity in some very unusual reactions such as binding and conversion from nanomolar concentrations for environmental cleaning or polymer degradation of otherwise stable polymers.
Join us for this free event – everyone is welcome!